Personal Astrology Readings
The Star-Magic Within
A comprehensive personalised reading of your natal birth chart with a professional qualified astrologer to discover the energy that impacts you the most in your life.

Ever wondered why your horoscope isn’t accurate all the time?
That’s because we’re more than just our horoscope – our sun sign. We’re more than our sun, moon and rising signs.
We’re everything in our charts combined, and different parts come out stronger at different times, when we’re facing different situations.
We’re also all impacted by what’s contributing to collective energies (like the moon cycles, planetary transitions like Mercury retrograde and major once-in-a-lifetime transit like Pluto moving into Aquarius in 2024).
This is precisely why having a sound understanding of your personal chart unlocks the keys to your inner kingdom, wisdom and gifts.
Speak with the stars
What is Astrology?
Celestial, Esoteric Guidance
Astrology for All
The cosmos offers us map of insight into who and what we truly are through our birth charts, a snapshot of the stars and planets when we take our first breath on Earth.
The wisdom of the esoteric energy that lies in our grasp through this map can have a profoundly positive impact on our lives and teach us how to walk our path of truth in this world.

How Astrology Works
Astrology is made up of the 12 archetype energies of the Zodiac and 17 major planets and placements. More complexity and depth is layered on top with how close or far, and at what angle and degree, they all are in relationship to each other. All placed on a 360 degree chart circle, this comes perfectly together to form unique imprints within each of us. This forms the basis of the relationship between the different energies and understanding these relationships is how your birth chart is read.
It’s like we all have access the same ingredients but by adding a little more of one thing and a little less of another, results in entirely different dishes. This is why we can often relate to one-another so deeply, or not understand or relate another as well.
If you are only familiar with your daily horoscopes, there is so much more to discover! Astrology can be a source of clarity, comfort and awareness of ourselves, as well as a deeper level of discovery and understanding with others and holds the potential to transform relationships, careers, personal growth and so much more.
Sharing some
Client Love
Planets, Stars & You
Areas of Astrology

Birth Chart (Natal) Astrology
Exploring the 12 areas of the astrology wheel of life and uncover what is active in your life, what you need to know for your learning and healing journey and how the 12 astrological energies are showing up in your life. If you’re curious to find out if you’re on the right path, affirm your connection to yourself and dive deeper into your inner knowing, this is the reading for you.

Transit Astrology
A transit reading looks at your natal chart reading over the current transits in your current living location. It helps to bring awareness and comfort to current energies and experiences and make sense of challenges or changes occurring. If you’ve ever heard of Mercury retrograde, it’s where it’s transiting in your chart thats important for you!

Progression Astrology
Also called Secondary Progressions, a progression reading looks at your natal chart reading over a period of time to track key transits and planet returns – if you’ve ever heard of your Saturn return around your 30 year mark, this is a part of it!

Astrology for Business Owners
Especially designed for business owners and career driven individuals, this reading takes a look into the astrological placements influencing your primary areas of career, partnerships & self growth to provide the tools you need to best navigate these areas of your life and to define your sense of purpose, contribution and strengthen your abilities.

Love & Relationship Astrology (Synastry)
Synastry is relationship astrology, where 2 people’s birth charts are overlayed and read together in conjunction with one another is a synastry reading. This relationship could relate to romantic connections, business partnerships, friendships or family.
This reading unlocks how and why certain things flow or meet resistance, and importantly gives you the understanding needed to move through them with compassion, understanding your self and your other on a deeper level. This also looks at the whole chart, not just the horoscopes (sun signs) and gives a more comrihensive understanding of these complex relationships.

Astrology with heart
How it works

Book Your Reading
Pick your astrology chart reading type below and click book.
You’ll then be taken to a secure Stripe payment page to complete your booking details and make a payment.
You’ll receive a confirmation email with payment confirmation.

Reading Your Chart
You’ll receive an email to confirm your details (this is crucial to the accuracy of the reading).
Your reading will be partly done by hand and the audio recording is done in real time. This is so that we can check the entire chart dynamic, aspects, positions and energy relationships which gives you the most in-depth and accurate reading personalised to you.
As this is done by hand, the waiting time to receive your reading can be anywhere between 1-3 months to ensure every chart reading is given the devotion and time required.

Receive Your Reading
You’ll receive an email with a link to download your audio reading, an audio introduction and pdf chart as soon as it’s ready.
The audio is c.90 minutes and we advise you download it to your own personal secure device as soon as possible to retain your copy.
Reading Options & Pricing
All astrology chart readings are with a qualified Astrologist. They are completed mostly by hand, which takes several hours prior to session delivery. There is approximately a 2 month waiting list for all readings.
Full Birth Chart Astrology Reading
- Exploring your whole birth chart in-depth
- The option to focus on a specific life area of your choice* (e.g. love & romance, spirituality, career, etc) *option to select at checkout
- Approximately 90 minutes audio recording
- Readings are completed and analysed mostly by hand with a qualified astrologer
Astrology for Business Owners & Career
- A general overview of your whole birth chart
- A deep dive into your areas of career and public self
- Looking further into your chart aspect areas of self development, career, public self, partnerships, and anything impacting your business type/sector, to support your career path and business owner journey
- Approximately 90 minutes audio recording of your reading
- Readings are all completed and analysed mostly by hand with a qualified astrologer
- These readings have an optional questionnaire to share current business/career challenges to address these spesifically.
1 Year Forecast (Progression & Transit Chart Reading)
- A 1 Year Forecast of your personal astrological transits and progressions for the year ahead
- A general overview of your whole birth chart energy and astrological movement for the collective
- Insight into how to work in harmony progressed and transiting energies based on your persoanl energy strengths
- Approximately 90 minute audio recording of your reading
- Readings are all completed and analysed mostly by hand with a qualified astrologer
A beautiful way to celebrate your people
Gift Cards
Looking for a once in a lifetime gift for your people? You can now gift them an astrology or mediumship reading! Your person will have 12 months to book in when the time is right for them, or use your giftcard towards a reading of their choice.
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